Coffee Farms

Uganda Coffee Farm Season 1

Knowing where our coffee is grown and that there is integrity in each cup of CLO Coffee is a value to Nick & Linda Castle (Co-Founders of CLO Coffee). Every Coffee we roast, has its own farm info postcard tracing the coffee to its origin. All coffees are Speciality grade and paid above Fair Trade prices. Most coffees come from small farms or in the case of Uganda - hundreds of people's back gardens.


We went to Uganda to tell this remarkable story.

Part 1: The Kisinga Coffee Station

Part 2: A Demonstration Garden

Part 3: A Remote Coffee Buying Station

Part 4: Meet Coffee Farmer Amon

Part 5: Meet Coffee Farmer & Bee Keeper Joseph

Part 6: Social Enterprise Coffee Farm in Children's Home

You can serve this Uganda coffee in the Threshold Blend and Eastgate Blend (both Great Taste Award Winners)


BONUS Part 1

Bonus Part 2

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